Paper Submission

All papers must be submitted through the CMT system, via the following link. The submission site is now open.

The accepted papers of the KGMA 2024 workshop will be published as the Springer's proceedings (as post-proceedings). Authors should avoid the use of non-English fonts to avoid problems with printing and viewing the submissions. All accepted papers MUST follow strictly the instructions for Authors of Springer Computer Science Proceedings. Accepted papers with top quality will be recommended for publication in Data Science and Engineering (CCF C, SCI Q2)

Submissions must be original (not previously published and not under review in other forums). Each accepted paper must be accompanied by at least one full registration, and an author is expected to present the paper at the conference, otherwise, the paper will be removed from the proceedings.

The review process is single-blinded. There is no need for authors to mask their names and affiliations in the manuscript. The maximal length of the paper is 12 pages.